Friday, June 19, 2009

Relay For Life 2009

I know it's a little late (one day I will not lag so hard with posting stuff) but I thought I'd post the thank you e-mail I sent out after this year's Relay, just in case it didn't make it to your inbox...

----- Original Message -----
From: Lara Michalek
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: Thanks for making the Relay For Life a HUGE success for Sandee's All Stars!

Hey All Stars!

Well, congratulations are in order!!! With your help, Sandee's All Stars raised over $15,000 for the American Cancer Society, making us the top fundraising team at the La Palma/Buena Park Relay For Life for the second year in a row!

In a year where most other Relay's have been seeing fundraising drop by an average of 50% from the previous year, our Relay not only beat our final total from last year by over 20%, but also succeeded in reaching a long time goal of breaking the $100,000 mark. Unbelievable numbers, and it is all thanks to Relay supporters like you!

This year, we had over 70 All Stars representing us on the track over the 24 hour period, including 2 who managed to complete a marathon! The spirit behind our team is incredible and never ceases to amaze me. I simply can't thank you enough for being a part of this very important event!

Mom always loved the Relay, because it not only brought attention and support for a vital cause, but it also offered an opportunity for those she loved to gather and celebrate life together. Whether you were able to join us over the weekend, or if you were just with us in spirit, I want to thank you for continuing Mom's legacy. I know she was proudly watching over us with a very full heart.

Thanks, as always, for the continued love and support. You keep us moving forward with a smile, even in the tough times. We love you all very much!

Together we will find a cure!


Lara Michalek

PS: Please pass this on! I don’t have e-mail addresses for everyone who donated, but I would love for them to know how thankful we are for their support.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

For those of you who don't know, my mom passed away about a month ago. Today is her birthday, so I'm celebrating her life. I thought I'd post one of my favorite photos of her, as well as the remembrance I had my friend Jenn read at the memorial service. I hope it brings you a smile on this very special day. =)

Mom was my every day. We spoke at least once each day. She was my anytime and my any reason. Mom was the only place my VIP pass worked 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In fact, a few days ago, I was desperately searching for a pink shirt to wear today. The last thing I wanted to be doing was clothes shopping. And a task I thought was going to take 15 minutes, quickly sucked up over an hour. I was so relieved when I finally stumbled onto a sweater that was the right color, I picked up the phone and dialed Mom to tell her of my success. The phone was already at my ear before I realized what I had done.

It seems like a silly story now that I write it, but, really, it speaks well to our relationship. Mom was, and always will be my best friend. She was the rock I depended on for any occasion, big or small… a major crisis or even just a minor triumph at the mall.

Of course, she wasn’t just handed that title of best friend. She earned it fair and square. Well, actually, I guess it wasn’t exactly fair. She did more for me than I could ever hope to give back to her.

She was the kind of mom everybody wanted. She made everything special. And she could do everything! I mean everything! Every year, she decorated birthday cakes that looked like works of art. She always knew the answers to my hardest math homework. She worried just the right amount, but never stood in front of our passions, she just asked us to call her when we were done. No achievement, big or small, slid by without a an accolade… and a special treat too. She always made the best team snacks. Every package under the Christmas tree was perfectly wrapped, even the tiny presents under the tree in my dollhouse. She’d stay up late with us whenever there was a monster school project to be finished. She reached out to our friends, and they all loved her as much as we did. And we always had the best Halloween costumes because she could sew anything we asked her to.

Well, okay, we ALMOST always had the best Halloween costumes. One year, she made us matching rainbow-striped clown outfits, complete with orange furry wigs and pointy hats with a giant fluff ball on top. That, was the only time I ever doubted her love for me.

But, I suppose if you make it through 31 years with a daughter, and the only time your love for her was ever doubted was because of a clown costume, I think you’ve probably got the best record out there in the Mom category.

Mom loved with every ounce of her being. The way my parents worked together to raise us, helped me understand the true meaning of devotion. I think the ultimate example of this was how long she fought cancer. Her doctors will tell you that she fought harder than most. She underwent surgeries and treatments that many wouldn’t even consider an option. These past 15 years have been a ceaseless battle for her. But, she never questioned it. She never flinched. She simply pushed on. And she did it for us. She knew we needed her, and that was all that mattered.

Having those extra years was a priceless gift. Although we spent much of the past 15 years in medical offices and hospitals, we still managed to rack up a ton of fantastic memories. Even in her last run of chemo, Mom and I had a great time. We’d get hours to share in a hospital bed together talking and watching TV… just enjoying each other’s company.

Of course, it’s easy for me to look back fondly on that time… I wasn’t the one having poison pumped into my body. But, you know, she never complained about the discomfort. She just smiled and said, “I’m so glad we have this time together.”

That’s just how she was. She could smile through anything. And that smile of hers always brought out the best in those around her. I’ve said a number of times that Mom is a magnet for good people, and looking around the beautiful Crystal Cathedral today, that has never been more evident.

In her final days, we had many wonderful conversations. I did a lot of the talking, but I knew when she was with me on something and when she wasn’t. One thing we did discuss a number of times was the community that we’ve been blessed with.

We talked about the amazing friends and family in our lives. We talked about the overwhelming support we’ve received over the years. And we talked about the comfort she could take in the fact that we’ll always have this incredible extended family to keep an eye on us from down here, while she is keeping an eye on us from up there. I told her that I’d never be able to get away with anything ever again because she has too many people on her team down here… and she smiled brightly.

Mom had so many positive facets, I’m sure we could all stand up today and talk for hours about the impact she had on our lives. She was just that kind of person. An amazing friend, a loving wife, a devoted mother and a hero to so many. She had it all, and we are all better off for having had her in our lives.

In the days ahead, I’m going to do my best to honor her strength and courage. Although I know we are all saddened by our own loss, we can find peace in knowing that she has left the pain of this world behind, and moved on to her well-deserved place in heaven. We have shared a lifetime of blessings together and you can’t ask for much more than that.

My brother was gracious enough to let me be the one to share my thoughts about Mom today, but I know I speak for both of us, as well as my father, when I say that we are so uplifted by the outpouring of love and support. We simply can’t thank you enough. It has been the ultimate example of just how inspiring Mom has been to so many people.

Let’s continue her legacy together. Keep hope in your hearts and share your smile often. If we can all keep a little bit of Sandee in our every day lives, I think we’ll be doing pretty darn good.

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a post from my dad on the proposed vet tax...

California wants to legislate a 9% tax on all veterinary services, including meds & cost of surgeries, neutering, etc. (I touched on this in a previous post: HERE.)

An additional 9% would discourage many from giving their pets care. What would this do to farmers and ranchers to treat their livestock as well? Would they have to pass the cost along which would raise the price of food?

This is serious business for anyone utilizing professional medical care for their animals. Please call the Sacramento line and push the buttons. The line is open 24/7 for you to make a difference and pass the word to others.

Say NO to taxes on our vet services!

This only takes 5 seconds - you can punch the numbers one after the other.

Dial (916) 445-2841 then 1 - 5 - 1 - 2

Press 1 for English.

Press 5 for the veterinary tax proposal.

Press 1 if you're calling about the veterinary tax proposal

Press 2 to oppose the tax


Monday, February 09, 2009

it never HAILS in southern california...?

over the last couple of days, we've had some pretty decent (and much needed) rainfall. on saturday, the rain stopped for a while, and the sun came out... so i thought, sweet, a break in the weather! go run your errands now!

so i threw on my trusty flip flops and made a break for it. i thought it might sprinkle a bit, but i was just going to be out for a an hour, so i figured i'd chance it with the footwear. i had no idea it was going to HAIL!

the hail hung in for a good 20 minutes, and then as quick as it came, it disappeared, leaving an awfully pretty sky behind...


a few weeks ago, we made a quick run for yosemite. and although we were only there for 40 hours, it turned out to be a perfect visit.

we got really lucky with the weather: sunshine when we were on the road, snow when we were inside the cabin.

we always stay inside the park, in a small nest of houses called yosemite west. we've rented from a company called scenic wonders three times now, and we've always been pleased.

anyway, i know a lot of people visit in the warmer months, but i thought i'd toss up a few photos so you could see what a neat winter destination it can be as well.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

i'm an auntie again!!!

we have a new member of the LP family. please welcome:


he was born sunday night and he is perfect!
congrats jamie and darin!

ahhhnold does it again

okay, i try not to get all political on this blog, but seriously, has anyone seen what the governator is proposing to tax in an effort to deal with the budget issues? i hadn't paid much attention to this until a friend told me about the potential 9-10% tax on veterinary services. what?! anyway, i made a quick trip to the governor's website and this is what he is proposing:

A Temporary Sales Tax Increase: A temporary increase in the state sales tax (from 5 percent to 6.5 percent) will generate additional sales tax revenues of $ 3.5 billion in 2008-09 for the General Fund. It will also effectively protect significant education funding. At the end of three years, the state sales tax would revert to 5 percent.

Broadening the Sales and Use Tax to Include Certain Services: Effective February 1, 2009, the sales and use tax rate will be applied to appliance and furniture repair, vehicle repair, golf, and veterinarian services. Effective March 1, 2009, the sales and use tax rate will be applied to amusement parks and sporting events. This is expected to generate additional General Fund sales tax revenue of $357 million in 2008-09.

Oil Severance Tax: Effective January 1, 2009, impose an oil severance tax upon any oil producer for the right to extract oil from the earth or water in this state. This brings California in line with other states. The tax shall be applied to the gross value of each barrel of oil at a rate of 9.9 percent and will generate additional tax revenues of $528 million in 2008-09.

Increase Alcohol and Excise Taxes: Alcohol excise taxes are proposed to be raised by five cents a drink beginning on January 1, 2009. This increase is estimated to raise $293 million in 2008-09. Revenues from this tax will be used to fund critical drug and alcohol treatment and prevention services. Alcohol taxes were last raised in 1991.


so, yeah, we'll see if it comes to fruition. the decision will ultimately come from a legislative "special session", explained (in a somewhat biased manner) HERE, by the california veterinary medical association. (i'm on their side on this one, so i'm all about bias. ha ha ha!)

gee, i hope you don't like to drink beer while you golf...


okay, seriously, i love craigslist. in one week, i was able to sell 3 pieces of furniture for 10 times more than i ever would have been able to at a garage sale, and i didn't even have to get up at 4 am and sit out in the sun for 12 hours haggling with crazy people.

anyway, i took my profits from the sale of my old furniture, and turned right around and bought someone else's old furniture. ha ha ha! i was going to spend nearly $1000 at ikea on a wardrobe system, and instead, i spent $350 on 2 really neat matching cabinets that sell new for $500 each at cost plus.

(added bonus: i didn't have to pay shipping, or put the cabinets together! i just had to con my dad into driving up to LA for one and down to san clemente for the other. good ol' dad.)

i'll have to spend a few more bucks on storage baskets and what not, but i'll still be spending half of what i was going to at ikea, and the cabinets actually match the rest of my furniture better. score!

can i get a few barrels to go?

so... the falling gas prices provide daily entertainment for me. i drive by a particularly cheap arco (in cerritos) every day on my way to work and it's always exciting to see what they are charging. today, 87 unleaded had dropped to $2.15 9/10 a gallon. what!? i had to take a picture.

anyway, i used to pop onto (a part of every now and then to see where the cheap gas was, although most of the time, i ended up buying gas where it was convenient and not where it was the cheapest. still, it is interesting to find out where the cheap gas is waiting for you. looks like costco is a perpetual winner. i'm just too lazy to wait in line for it there. guess i wouldn't have done well during the last crisis...

so... roadtrip anyone?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Livin' La Vida LP

another la palma story HERE. (sent from my friend kevin.)

Best SMALL Cities
Population up to 40,000

Population – 16,176. Average API Score – 887 (3rd). Crime Rate – 2.16. Median prices for single family residences - $550,500 (18th). Parks/Cultural Resources ** Last year’s pick as 16th best small American city to live in by Money magazine, La Palma owes its accolades to a strong sense of community, a receptive local government, and one of the lowest crime rates in Orange County. Good schools and housing prices tending to the county’s average add to its appeal, along with a public library, outdoor concerts and recreational activities.

Parenting OC magazine’s fourth annual Best Family Neighborhoods Survey takes a closer look at those special qualities we look for in a home to determine which cities are best for families.

What we looked at:

In compiling these selections, Parenting OC magazine researched and ranked 33 Orange County cities based on the following factors:

The 2008 Academic Performance Index (API) which uses the results of several state tests including the CAT 6, California Standards Tests and the High School Exit Exam to rate public schools on a scale of 200 to 1,000. The scores noted in this report are an average of all schools in each city, not within each school district.

Crime rates for 2007 as reported in the FBI Report“Crime in the United States 2007.” The rates in this report are the number of violent and property crimes per 100 people.
Editor’s note: Statistics do not give the full picture of crime in a city. You can visit to view the raw data or contact the city for more information.

The median sales price for single-family homes, based on the Orange County Home Sale Activity report for June 2008 compiled by DQNews (for cities encom passing more than one zip code, Parenting OC reported an average or range of median prices).

The number and quality of parks and cultural resources were given a star rating on a scale of one to four.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Relay For Life 2009 - Sandee's All Stars

well, i know it's early, but we're officially registered for the 2009 relay for life. the event date this year is june 6-7. if you'd like to get registered, our team page is at:

we've got a lot of fundraising to do in order to maintain our title as top fundraisers, so i got us started...

it's never too early to join the team! and this year, our team theme is pirates! so you know it's going to be one awesome paaarrrrrty. =)

together we will find a cure!

Monday, October 06, 2008

this pretty much sums it up...

when i see a "wailing list" e-mail from despair, inc. in my mailbox, i can't open it fast enough. here is one of their new posters...

In case you have eyes as bad as mine, it reads:

Blogging: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few.

I like their sanity one too, even though it hits a little close to home...

Sanity: Minds are like parachutes. Just because you've lost yours doesn't mean you can borrow mine.

Despair has a ton of awesome products with their satirical sayings/images. But if you don't like theirs, you can actually make your own HERE.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

anaheim garden walk

dude... been down katella near disneyland lately? the anaheim garden walk is growing and growing!

i had dinner at roy's with the girls the other day and i couldn't believe how much stuff has opened up since the last time i was there. when it's all said and done, there will be tons of great places to eat, an IMAX, bowling, a vegas-style club... seriously, who knew?

anyway, if you have the chance to check it out, you should. new stuff is opening every day.

btw, roy's was awesome. i had the duck. it was perfect. check out the full menu HERE. so good!

bottle shock

i like wine, but i'm certainly not a an expert in the field. over the past few years, i've definitely taken more of an interest in learning about wine and the industry. my trip to napa with brooke and naomi helped to educate me (somewhat) about the california wine industry.

a few weeks ago, i went and saw the movie bottle shock with some friends. it's a true story about how the california wine industry made their mark in the world of wine making, by beating out the french in a blind taste test on their home turf, with their own judges. it was smart and funny, and offered a pretty true rendition of history.

i rarely make it out to the movies, but i'm glad i had the chance to see this. it's supposed to be pretty widely distributed, so if you see it at your local theatre, and you're looking for something that is a little deeper than your regular popcorn flick, give it a go.


don't forget, the orange international street fair is on this weekend! and just so you don't go at the wrong time and miss out on the gluttony, here are the hours:

Friday, August 29, 2008 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 31, 2008 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m
i'm sure to gain at least 5 pounds by sunday. time to break out the stretchy pants.

why i ran...

i heard kevin and bean (on kroq) talking about a new tv show that sounds awesome... why i ran will run on the biography channel on monday nights. i'll be tivo-ing this for sure!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


x games starts today and runs through sunday (at staples and home depot center). a rafting trip kind of got in the way of me attending, but i may make a last minute run for the rally event on sunday. we'll see... i have my travis pastrana shirt all ready to go just in case. (i'm not kidding.) alas, i may just be cheering him on from my couch.
full schedule of events HERE.
broadcast schedule HERE.